As part of the lockdowns due to the 2020 to 2022 pandemic, we have largely switched our promotional repertoire to digital media. We are currently supporting a research project by hosting its educational results.

Our Committment in Youth and Adult Education

For decades, the Foundation FNJE and its predecessor (association) support the German science youth competion “Jugend Forscht”.

Book Release and Promotion Events“Die Milchstraße”
Buch (Bertelsmann-Verlag) mit Präsentationen u.a. im Dt. Museum München, Zeiss-Planetarium Jena
Participated in Jury of IAU-Astrophotography Contest2023
Participated in Jury of IAU-Astrophotography Contest2022
Book Release and Promotion Events“Wie der Löwe an den Himmel kam” (Kosmos-Verlag) u.a. mit Präsentationen in den Planetarien Jena und Berlin, Sternwarte Regensburg2021/2
Exoplanets in pre-professional internship 2018-20

Supported Projects (until 2020)

ProjectDescription/ CommentaryOrganizerDate
Visit of the Nebra Arch by a group of Astronomy Teacher Students St. FNJE2018
Scientific Youth Bus Tour to the Northern Cape2017
Jugendkongress “10 Jahre jDPG”jDPG2016
IAYC 2015International Astronomical Youth Camp 2015
Planetenweg FöhrGymnasium Othmarschen (Hamburg)2014
Dt.-Russ. Jugendbegegnung in KrasnodarGrüner Grashalm e.V.2013
Transit of Venus,
Astronomical Unit
FNJ e.V.2012